+90 540 710 20 21

Lighting Pole Static Analysis


Lighting poles are defined in the TS EN 40 standard series accepted by many European countries, including Turkey, and their structural requirements are revealed. The standard series are as follows:

TS EN 40-1 Lighting Poles – Part 1: Definitions and Terms

TS EN 40-2 Lighting Poles – Part 2: Dimensions and Tolerances

TS EN 40-3-1 Lighting Poles – Part 3-1: Design and Inspection – Requirements for Characteristic Loads

TS EN 40-3-2 Lighting Poles – Part 3-2: Design and Inspection – Investigation by Experiment

TS EN 40-3-3 Lighting Poles – Part 3-2: Design and Verification – Verification by Calculation

TS EN 40-4 Lighting Poles-Part 4- Required Conditions for Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Lighting Poles

TS EN 40-5 Lighting Poles – Part 5: Requirements for Steel Lighting Poles

TS EN 40-6 Lighting Poles – Part 6: Requirements for Aluminum Lighting Poles

TS EN 40-7 Lighting Poles – Part 7: Requirements for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Lighting Poles

The most important external factor affecting the lighting poles is the wind force. According to the region where it will be used, its resistance to wind pressure, which is obtained based on the principles of TS EN 1991-1-4 Effects on Structures – Part 1-4: General Effects – Wind Effects (EUROCODE 1), is investigated. According to the TS EN 40-3-1 standard, the loads that will affect the pole and the loading coefficients are calculated, then the design of the lighting pole is verified with 2 different methods. One of these methods is to verify the design of the pole with an experimental setup prepared in accordance with the TS EN 40-3-2 standard. The other verification method is verification by calculation method. The design is verified according to the calculation rules determined by the TS EN 40-3-3 standard. In this context, our organization performs static-dynamic analyzes of lighting poles in accordance with the relevant standards.