0507 500 10 21

Totem Signage Static Analysis


Totems are monumental sculptures carved from the trunk of a thuja tree in the culture of the Pacific Northwest Indians living in the Americas. Totem signs are inspired by totem poles. One of the most well-known products of outdoor advertising is the totem sign. Totem signs consist of advertising cassettes, one end of which is mounted on a console pole. Advertising cassettes can be designed as two-three-four-sided. One of the most important external factors affecting totem signs is wind force. According to the region where it will be used, its resistance to wind pressure, which is obtained based on the principles of TS EN 1991-1-4 Effects on Structures – Part 1-4: General Effects – Wind Effects (EUROCODE 1), is investigated. As a result of the investigations, the ground anchor design of the totem signs is made. In this context, our organization performs static-dynamic analyzes of totem signs in accordance with the relevant standards.