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Rack Static Analysis


With the “Regulation on Amending the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment”, dated February 18, 2022 and numbered 31754, published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in the Official Gazette, it has become mandatory to have the Periodic Inspection of Industrial Shelves at least once a year within the scope of TS EN 15635 standard. . One of the details to be checked during the periodic control of the existing shelves in the warehouses of the organizations is the load carrying capacity of the shelf. In this context, each industrial shelf must be a static DYNAMIC analysis project. These analyzes should be done by considering EARTHQUAKE loads. This requirement is defined in clause M of 9.2 User Responsibilities article of TS EN 15635 Steel Static Storage Systems – Application and Maintenance of Storage Equipment standard. In the relevant section, it is stated that “The user must confirm that the earthquake, snow and wind loads have been calculated correctly for the area where the shelf is located”. In addition, it is stated in the 6.7 Seismic Movements heading of the TS EN 15512 standard, “Seismic actions will be determined according to the relevant National Regulations when necessary”. As a result of these guidelines of the standards, since our country is in an earthquake zone, it is necessary to make dynamic calculations according to the Earthquake Regulations of our country. TS EN 15512 Steel Static Storage Systems – Adjustable Pallet Racking Systems – Structural Design Rules standard and TS EN 16681 Steel Static Storage Systems – Adjustable Pallet Racking Systems – Design Rules for Earthquake using the values ​​obtained as a result of static analyzes using TS EN 15635 Steel Carrying capacity labels should be prepared in accordance with Annex B of Static Storage Systems – Application and Maintenance of Storage Equipment standard, and shelves should be labeled so that operators can see them. In this context, our organization carries out static-dynamic analyzes of the shelves in accordance with the relevant regulations.